Welcome to ProActive Spine Care. We are a community-based clinic serving the greater Somerset area, dedicated to helping individuals and families achieve optimal health through natural chiropractic care!
The number one reason we see people in here with neck pain is just normal wear and tear very similar to any other issue that we deal with when people walk in here with a lot of pain. Over time, things just wear out. You got to think, your neck’s constantly holding your head up. It’s getting used all day every day.
There’s going to be a lot of wear and tear on your neck. The second and probably third most common reasons are going to be past and present injuries. Past injuries would be something like a car wreck, so we see some whiplash that may have not been taken care of due to past car accidents and those things build up over time.
And turn into more of chronic situations. And then we have present injuries. And sometimes these things take a little bit of time to build up and then, something happens that we would consider as the straw that breaks the camel’s back, but a lot of things take time to build up.
And so what we’re looking for is what exactly is going on with the neck. And we do that through a couple of different things. We do some pretty thorough examinations in here to make sure that we touch all bases and we also take some x rays and you can see our x ray machine right behind me here.
And we read those in office and go over those with you guys as well.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.